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Win500 download


Open up the detergent dispenser and pour in the detergent and fabric softener. Ĩ GB Detergent dispenser Good washing results also depend on the correct dose of detergent: adding too much detergent won't necessarily make for a more efficient wash, and may in fact cause build up on the interior of your appliance and even pollute the environment. If y ou se t this op tion, p ro gr am m es 6, 7, 8, 11 an d D e lic ate Ri nse wi ll b e susp end ed, l e av ing the la undr y t o soa k ( A nti-c re a se) a nd ic on w. ħ GB F unctio n Effect Comments Ena b le d wit h p r ogr a m m e s: Ea s y i r o n Th is opt ion red uces the amou n t of creas i n g on fabrics, makin g t h em easi er t o iron. De t erg en t Fa b r i c so ftener Cy cl e leng th (mi n ute s) D escriptio n o f was h c ycle Pre - wa sh Was h Co tto ns Ex t remel y s o il ed w h i t es ( s h eet s, t abl ecl ot h s, et c.) 1 90° C    167 Pr e -wa sh, wash c y cle, ri nse c y c l.


Ħ GB T y pe o f f abri c an d de g ree o f s o il Pro g ram- mes Wa s h tem p er a t.  The rapid flashing of the ON-OFF/DOOR LOCK Led together with the flashing of at least one other LED indicates there is an abnormality (see pa. ĥ GB ON-OFF/DOOR LOCK led If this LED is on, the appliance door is locked to prevent it from being opened accidentally to avoid any damages, wait for the LED to flash before you open the appliance door. FUNCTION buttons: to select the functions. LEDS: to find out which wash cycle phase is under way. Ĥ GB W ashing machine description Control panel Detergent dispenser ON-OFF Button ST ART/RESET Button TEMPERA TURE Knob PROGRAMME Knob Leds FUNCTION B uttons ON-OFF/ DOOR LOCK Led Detergent dispenser: to add detergent and fabric softener (see page 8). The free end of the hose should not be underwater. ģ GB Connecting the drain hose Connect the drain hose, without bending it, to a draining duct or a wall drain situated between 65 and 100 cm from the floor alternatively, place it over the edge of a basin, sink or tub, fastening the duct supplied to the tap (see figure).  Read these instructions carefully: they contain vital information on installation.


Should the appliance be sold, transferred or moved, make sure the instruction manual accompanies the washing machine to inform the new owner as to its operation and features. Ģ GB Installation  Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for future reference.


1 GB English,1 Contents Installation, 2-3 Unpacking and levelling Electric and water connections The first wash cycle T echnical details W ashing machine description, 4-5 Control panel Leds Starting and Programmes, 6 Briefly: how to start a programme Programme table Personalisations, 7 Setting the temperature Functions Detergents and laundry, 8 De.

Win500 download